About us


Since its inception in 1912, B P Oil Mills Limited (BPOM) has undergone ground breaking changes in the otherwise unorganized edible oil sector. BPOM has been a pioneer and leader in all its area of operations and has maintained the trend. We have consistently striven for excellence, with the flagship brand Hathi mustard oil becoming the most preferred edible oil brand in all the markets it caters to.

Fast forward 103 years and India is not what it used to be. With multi‐fold economic growth across all sectors of the economy, the agriculture sector is not far behind. With over 1 billion people to feed today and the ever‐growing concern for fresh and un‐adulterated products, we have joined the race to eradicate hunger and poverty while addressing the health concerns of the nation.

With our second integrated processing unit commissioned in 2011, we our inching closed towards our goal. We believe in efficient utilization of resources and our new state‐of‐the‐art plant in amongst the most efficient of its kind in the country.

Electricity is a national resource and conserving it to the last unit had been our primary goal while establishing that unit. Energy efficient electrical equipment, motors, transformers and lighting reduce unnecessary losses which would have occurred otherwise as a result of which our new unit is 12% more energy efficient that the standard processing plant. Solar installations of the roof ensure that we take some load of the power distribution companies during the peak hours of operation. Efficient planning and automatization reduce manpower requirement and the chances for human error resulting in lower production cost, which can be passed on the consumers.

India as a nation has a large number of young people, nurturing a huge workforce. Traditionally we have been an agrarian society and there is immense potential for us to modernize the agriculture sector and be counted among the leading agrarian economies of the world.

We lead the way in terms of ‘quality’ and have been trendsetters in the edible oil economy. We tout ourselves as good teachers and many prominent players in the industry have been a part of our family before then branched out into their own foray. Encouraged by the warmth and loyalty of our clienteles, we look forward to touching the life of every Indian and enabling everyone to live life fully, thereby making India stronger, healthier and more productive.


The company started its operations in the year 1912 as partnership firm ‘Baijnath Madangopal’ by Lt. Shri Bansidhar Bhagat. He set up an extremely small unit to manufacture mustard oil owing to lack of availability of good quality mustard oil for massage during the ‘Kushti’(wrestling) season.

This business was then taken over by ‘Ghanshyamdas Baijnath Oil Mills’ with the then production being carried out under the trademark ʻGB Markaʼ

Lt. Shri Durgadutt Bhagat and Lt. Shri Presumkhdas Bhagat, two brothers bought this firm under the partnership ʻBansidhar Durgaduttʼ and the mill was re-named ʻBansidhar Premsukhdas Oil Millsʼ.

It was then that the ʻHathi’ brand trademark was registered.

On 14th Oct 1965, ‘B P Oil Mills Limited’ was incorporated under The Companies Act 1956 taking over the business from the partnership firm and is what it is today.

In the decade of 1940ʼs it was considered the biggest oil mills of undivided India. Its selling depots were in various cities from Pakistan to Bangladesh. In 1990, it was the largest producer of ‘Khacchi Ghaani’ mustard oil in India. The present day headquarters of the company are still housed in the over 100 year old ‘Gaddi’ in the ‘Maithan Mohalla’ and is a city landmark.

Starting out as an oil mill with only 2 ‘Kholu’ operated by buffalos in the old ‘Maithan Mohalla’ of Agra, we today operate over 1000 Kholus with an output of over 100 tonnes of premium grade, pungent mustard oil per day.